What is it that the word Physis says?
Lexically it means phyein, growing. But what is the meaning of phyein? Does it mean only growth of quantity, that something becomes something more and bigger? ... Greeks did not begin to learn what physis is through the natural phenomena, but on the contrary: through a foundational poetic and noetic experience of Being, there opened before them what they will call physis. It was only through this opening that they could see also nature in the narrow sense. That way, then, physis, in the primary and original sense, means as much the sky as the earth, as much the stone as also the plants, as much the animals as man and human history as a work of men and of Gods, finally and above all it means Gods themselves with their destiny.
From Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics
Closely related:
HESIOD : In the beginning was Nothing, Five Generations of Men, ORPHICA : Everything was generated by Love, From man you became God, ANAXIMANDER : The limitless limits, XENOPHANES : God is totally different, HERACLITUS : The Word is Common, PARMENIDES : Being is all there is, EMPEDOCLES : The Sphere, ANAXAGORAS, Nous, SOPHOCLES : Oedipus' ascension, Nothing more wonderful and frightening than man, PLATO, Ways to Hades, The Real World, Motions of the universe, A nature of wondrous beauty, Becoming like God, Birth in good and beauty, ARISTOTLE : God, Divine thought, Nature, Substance of the elements, Knowledge of principles and causes, The most certain principle, One, CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA : O the perfect child!, PLOTINUS : The soul's movement will be about its source, GREGORY THE THEOLOGIAN : God with Gods is being united, Unity found its rest in Trinity, God is a God of the present, BASIL THE GREAT : A likeness of eternity, Do not search for a substance without qualities, GREGORY OF NYSSA : The Mystery of the Cross, Christ is always born in our soul, Everything shares in the Beautiful, Everything that is free will be united with virtue, PROCLUS : Divine Truth, DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE : All-comprehending Smallness and Super-essential Identity, MAXIMUS CONFESSOR : God is Thinking, He divided wisely the ages, Nothing is empty of the Holy Spirit, ERIGENA, By His seeing and running all things are made, SYMEON THE NEW THEOLOGIAN : When shall the Day of the Lord come?, Becoming invisible and suddenly appearing, Holy Communion, Don't put yourself in despair, NICHOLAS CABASILAS : The old and the new Adam, MEISTER ECKHART, Entirely within, entirely without, NICOLAUS CUSANUS, Incorruptible certainty of mathematical signs, HOELDERLIN, The God is near, and hard to grasp, RILKE, Ein Wehn im Gott
Timaeus - Genesis - The Making of Man
More of Plato, The Bible - The Greek Old Testament (Septuagint), Gregory of Nyssa
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