KNOW of three
classes among the saved; the slaves, the hired servants, the sons.
If you are a slave, be afraid of the whip; if you are a hired
servant, look only to receive your hire; if you are more than this,
a son, revere Him as a Father, and work that which is good, because
it is good to obey a Father; and even though no reward should come
of it for you, this is itself a reward, that you please your Father.
Let us then take care not to despise these things. How absurd it
would be to grasp at money and throw away health; and to be lavish
of the cleansing of the body, but economical over the cleansing of
the soul; and to seek for freedom from earthly slavery, but not to
care about heavenly freedom; and to make every effort to be
splendidly housed and dressed, but to have never a thought how you
yourself may become really very precious; and to be zealous to do
good to others, without any desire to do good to yourself.