E pray standing,
on the first day of the week, but we do not all know the reason. On
the day of the resurrection we remind ourselves of the grace given
to us by standing at prayer, not only because we rose with Christ,
and are bound to "seek those things which are above," but because
the day seems to us to be in some sense an image of the age which we
expect, wherefore, though it is the beginning of days, it is not
called by Moses first, but one. For he says "There was evening, and
therewas morning, one day," as though the same day often recurred.
Now "one and "eighth" are the same, in itself distinctly indicating
that really "one" and "eighth" of which the Psalmist makes mention
in certain titles of the Psalms, the state which follows after this
present time, the day which knows no waning or eventide, and no
successor, that age which endeth not or groweth old.