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 Theories of pronouncing ancient Greek
from : 9/16/2004 5:54:57 PM
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Lord Groundhog

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67643 visitors

   I've just finished my first tour of this site. Wow! What a lot of work has gone into this site, and it's real quality.

I notice you discourage new students of Greek from trying to learn...
 Future of Christianity in Europe
from : 8/5/2005 7:05:00 PM
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57827 visitors

   Simple question. What is the future of Christianity in Europe? Does it have a future that can give life in modern Europe a new breath and depth, and how can European Christians prevent their faith be...
 Etymology of the name of Greece
from : 1/15/2005 3:28:47 AM
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48407 visitors

Greece, a toponym the Greeks themselves do not use, is a reversal of Semitic samekh-resh-gimel SaRaG = knitted. Therefore, he has a (weighted) net in his left hand.

 The error of Erasmus and un-greek pronunciations
from : 4/4/2005 10:23:53 PM
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47649 visitors

   From Filologia Neotestamentaria 8 (1995), pp. 151-185. Here is only the ending paragraphs (and without footnotes), but you can read it also complete.

There seems to be but one course to ta...
 Meanings of the Greek letters
from : 2/8/2005 10:07:24 PM
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39541 visitors

   I have been trying to find out some information on the meanings of the Greek letters. If there is anyone who can offer me some information I'd appreciate it. Thanks....
 Homer : Greek-English Interlinear Iliad
from : 3/4/2007 2:12:48 PM
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34876 visitors

   The 1888 Interlinear text of Homer's Iliad ( Clark - McKay )

Cf. www.ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/homer.asp">Homer Bilingual ( Greek / English ) Anthology...
 Greek and Mideastern-European Languages
from : 2/8/2006 5:50:54 PM
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34769 visitors


(This short series of posts concerns many languages in Europe and the Middle East, and Greek in particular, as we shall see. Whereas "Interp...
 greek meaning of foreknowledge, election, etc.
from : 8/17/2005 1:06:01 AM
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34446 visitors

   There is a divide among christian groups about the meaning of predestination and election as found in e.g. Rom. 8:29 and I Pet. 1:2 etc.
This has led to extremes in interpretation such as hyper-...
 The union of Orthodoxy with the Papacy
from : 9/29/2006 9:26:05 AM
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34359 visitors

   I wish to respond to the text on Ellopos' blog "A union of Orthodoxy with the papal clergy will destroy Christianity permanently" found here:


I am mys...
 Translating the Jesus prayer
from : 7/19/2006 9:19:41 PM
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33603 visitors

   How to translate this phrase
Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱὲ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλό...
 Aion and Aionian
from : 12/6/2006 7:20:26 PM
 Posted by:
Tom Booth

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31626 visitors

   I would like to know all there is to know about the Greek words aion and aionian (and any other variations) particularly as related to the New Testament and/or usage in the cultural and historical co...
from : 9/30/2004 7:31:45 PM
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31398 visitors

   Is politeia an untranslatable word? Republic is not accurate, nor State. How would you render Politeia?...
 Ancient Greeks in America
from : 8/28/2007 9:10:38 PM
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28151 visitors

   I am an amateur historian and have posted on many other websites concerning ancient Greeks in the Western Hemisphere.

I feel that my research has made RE-discoveries since 99% of my theori...
 Philo and the Incarnation of Logos
from : 12/12/2004 7:10:31 PM
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27598 visitors

   To the Commumity,

I am currently studying Philo the Alexandrian Jew, 1st cent. CE, with particular interest in his use the the term LOGOS. I intend to trace the development of this concep...
 Gnosis and Episteme in Plato
from : 8/2/2007 2:13:51 AM
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27583 visitors

   There was an interesting post by Don Paarlberg about the relationship of gnosis with episteme. Don deleted his post, judging, I think, that it was of no interest to others, since it remained unanswer...
 Righteousness/Justice Dike Dikaios Dikaiosyne
from : 3/24/2008 7:37:59 AM
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23617 visitors

   First off, this word "righteousness" has dropped out of people's consciousness. It is no longer spoken about.

Second, this word also means Justice. Dikaios is either translated as Righteo...
 Freemasonry, poison destroying Christian Europe
from : 6/15/2007 12:01:38 PM
 Posted by:
Steve in Vista

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23201 visitors

   Behind the Communist Flag, within history, you will find the Magen Star of David.

You will find it behind every subversive force on this earth that opposes God and exalts itself as god. It...
 What is the Greek for the Natural Law
from : 3/24/2008 7:06:00 AM
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23063 visitors

   The Romans have this called "res naturlis" meaning the Natural Law. The Romans divided law into three sections, the "res divina" (The Divine Law), the "res naturalis"(The Natural Law), and the "res p...
 Plato, Reason, Philosophy
from : 5/23/2008 12:44:41 PM
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22868 visitors

   Logos is primarily connected with speaking; it comes from legein (= speaking = distinguishing, identifying and collecting in language). Logos is the speech and word. It is from this sense that expand...
 Starting from Greek - or Latin?
from : 3/10/2005 10:32:17 AM
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21797 visitors

   I was thinking if it is better for one to start from learning Greek or from learning Latin? Do you have any suggestions?

 If you want to destroy Europe, let Turkey in
from : 10/11/2004 5:17:58 AM
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21795 visitors


I do not know if this is a legitimate subject for this forum, but I thought that it may be interesting to consider the ways in which the question of Turkey's EU bid is discussed. I ...
 Kalos and Agathos in Plato's Gorgias
from : 5/21/2007 6:00:43 AM
 Posted by:
Don Paarlberg

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21641 visitors

   Socrates in the Gorgias at 474d-75d, with Polus as his interlocutor, argues to support Plato's famous contention that it is worse to commit evil than to suffer it. The argument purports to turn on m...
 New host -Interlinear Gk-Eng Anabasis text & MP3
from : 2/25/2007 9:52:04 PM
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21483 visitors

   This is an Adobe .pdf file of the first two chapters of Xenophon's
"Anabasis". Under each word in Greek is it's English equivalent.
Reading this will not teach you Greek grammar, but it wi...
 New file host -The Sayings of Kings and Commanders
from : 3/26/2007 7:36:23 PM
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21059 visitors

   from Plutarch's "Sayings of Kings and Commanders"

The sayings of LEONIDAS, leader of the 300 :

The Sayings...
 Koine Greek Pronunciation Question
from : 5/22/2007 10:24:48 AM
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21035 visitors


When I took Koine Greek my teacher taught us to pronounce omicron differently than specified by the book, Basics of Biblical Greek by William D. Mounce. Instead of pronouncing it a...

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