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The Greek Old Testament (Septuagint)

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1 [For the end, a Psalm of David, concerning her that inherits.] 2 Hearken to my words, O Lord, attend to my cry. 3 Attend to the voice of my supplication, my King, and my God: for to thee, O Lord, will I pray. 4 In the morning thou shalt hear my voice: in the morning will I wait upon thee, and will look up. 5 For thou art not a God that desires iniquity; neither shall the worker of wickedness dwell with thee. 6 Neither shall the transgressors continue in thy sight: thou hatest, O Lord, all them that work iniquity. 7 Thou wilt destroy all that speak falsehood: the Lord abhors the bloody and deceitful man. 8 But I will enter into thine house in the multitude of thy mercy: I will worship in thy fear toward thy holy temple. 9 Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make my way plain before thy face. 10 For there is no truth in their mouth; their heart is vain; their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit. 11 Judge them, O God; let them fail of their counsels: cast them out according to the abundance of their ungodliness; for they have provoked thee, O Lord. 12 But let all that trust on thee be glad in thee: they shall exult for ever, and thou shalt dwell among them; and all that love thy name shall rejoice in thee. 13 For thou, Lord, shalt bless the righteous: thou hast compassed us as with a shield of favour. Εἰς τὸ τέλος, ὑπὲρ τῆς κληρονομούσης· ψαλμὸς τῷ Δαυΐδ. - 2 ΤΑ ῥήματά μου ἐνώτισαι, Κύριε, σύνες τῆς κραυγῆς μου· 3 πρόσχες τῇ φωνῇ τῆς δεήσεώς μου, ὁ βασιλεύς μου καὶ ὁ Θεός μου. ὅτι πρὸς σὲ προσεύξομαι, Κύριε· 4 τὸ πρωΐ εἰσακούσῃ τῆς φωνῆς μου, τὸ πρωΐ παραστήσομαί σοι καὶ ἐπόψει με, 5 ὅτι οὐχὶ Θεὸς θέλων ἀνομίαν σὺ εἶ· οὐ παροικήσει σοι πονηρευόμενος, 6 οὐδὲ διαμενοῦσι παράνομοι κατέναντι τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν σου. ἐμίσησας πάντας τοὺς ἐργαζομένους τὴν ἀνομίαν· 7 ἀπολεῖς πάντας τοὺς λαλοῦντας τὸ ψεῦδος. ἄνδρα αἱμάτων καὶ δόλιον βδελύσσεται Κύριος. 8 ἐγὼ δὲ ἐν τῷ πλήθει τοῦ ἐλέους σου εἰσελεύσομαι εἰς τὸν οἶκόν σου, προσκυνήσω πρὸς ναὸν ἅγιόν σου ἐν φόβῳ σου. 9 Κύριε, ὁδήγησόν με ἐν τῇ δικαιοσύνῃ σου ἕνεκα τῶν ἐχθρῶν μου, κατεύθυνον ἐνώπιόν σου τὴν ὁδόν μου. 10 ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν τῷ στόματι αὐτῶν ἀλήθεια, ἡ καρδία αὐτῶν ματαία· τάφος ἀνεῳγμένος ὁ λάρυγξ αὐτῶν, ταῖς γλώσσαις αὐτῶν ἐδολιοῦσαν. 11 κρῖνον αὐτούς, ὁ Θεός. ἀποπεσάτωσαν ἀπὸ τῶν διαβουλιῶν αὐτῶν· κατὰ τὸ πλῆθος τῶν ἀσεβειῶν αὐτῶν ἔξωσον αὐτούς, ὅτι παρεπίκρανάν σε, Κύριε. 12 καὶ εὐφρανθείησαν πάντες οἱ ἐλπίζοντες ἐπὶ σέ· εἰς αἰῶνα ἀγαλλιάσονται, καὶ κατασκηνώσεις ἐν αὐτοῖς, καὶ καυχήσονται ἐν σοὶ πάντες οἱ ἀγαπῶντες τὸ ὄνομά σου. 13 ὅτι σὺ εὐλογήσεις δίκαιον· Κύριε, ὡς ὅπλῳ εὐδοκίας ἐστεφάνωσας ἡμᾶς.

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* Differences of the numbering of Psalms
Note that, since the Septuagint reflects an older tradition, its numbering should be considered as more authoritative
Septuagint Numbering       Masoretic Numbering
1-8 1-8
9 9 and 10
10-112 11-113
113 114 and 115
114 116:1-9
115 116:10-19
116-145 117-146
146 147:1-11
147 147:12-20
148-150 148-150
151 is included in 150

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Septuagint Genesis Septuagint Psalms Septuagint Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom, Sirach   » MORE

Septuagint Books By ELPENOR  IN PRINT : Genesis ||| Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomomy ||| Psalms ||| Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom, Sirach ||| Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel ||| Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi ||| Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Kings I - IV ||| Chronicles, Esdras, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, Maccabees

Read about the texts witnessed only in the Septuagint:
Letter of Aristeas (including also full text in Greek and English) ||| Sirach, Wisdom, Letter of Jeremiah ||| Maccabees 1, 2, 3 and 4 ||| Additional texts witnessed by the Septuagint to the book of Daniel ||| 1 Esdras, Psalm 151, Prayer of Manasseh ||| Judith, Baruch

Note that the so called 'sixth' chapter of Baruch in the Septuagint is published separately as Letter of Jeremiah. Check also this note about the Order of Septuagint Psalms and the Masoretic.

Cf. in print A New English translation of the Septuagint, Greek English Lexicon of the Septuagint, Grammar of Septuagint Greek, The Use of the Septuagint in New Testament Research, More

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Three Millennia of Greek Literature
ELPENOR's Bilingual New Testament

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