The need for an executive body in the form of a permanent political
committee composed only of a certain number of members of the European
Conference, which would act both as the research committee and as the
executive body of the European Union. [...]
The need for a secretarial staff, however small it may be at the outset,
in order to ensure the administrative execution of the instructions of the
President of the European Conference or of the European Committee,
communications between governments parties to the European Pact, the
summoning of the conference or committee, the preparation of their
discussions, the registration and notification of their resolutions, etc.
The need for laying down in advance the essential principles which shall
determine the general conceptions of the European Committee and guide it in
the inquiries which it makes for the purpose of preparing the programme of
the European organisation. [...]
The general subordination of economic problems to the political problems:
- all possibility of progress on the road to economic union being strictly
governed by the question of security, and this question itself being
intimately bound up with that of the progress possible on the road to
political union, it is essential to bring on to the political plane at the
outset a method of development that will tend to give Europe an organic
structure. It is on this same plane that the broad lines of the economic
policy of Europe as well as the tariff policy of each individual European
State should be elaborated.
To do the opposite would not only be fruitless, but would appear to the
weakest nations, left without guarantees or compensation, as liable to
expose them to the risks of a political domination resulting from industrial
domination by the most powerfully organised States.