It should be interested to know that the central figure of both WWI and WWII is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill, back in the 30's, wanted a "United States of Europe". WWI and WWII were necessary in destroying the Old Order for a New Order, the European Union, to become a necessity. Winston Churchill was a Mason for awhile, early in his life. He was also infatuated and influenced with the Fabian Society. Fabian Society was about converting society to Socialism. As communism was the violent revolutionary strategy of International Socialism, Fabian socialism was the slow transformation of values.
Socialism in whatever forms is about constructing a New World Order and the European Union is the dissolution of nations. This is why immigration is allowed, encouraged.
Freemasonry set up the American revolution and helped in the French Revolution. Freemasonry has acted in concert with Socialism in about establishing a New Order.
The New Order is Nihilist as Fr. Seraphim Rose wrote in his book, "Nihilism, The Root of Revolution in Modern Times". Europe is not undergoing a re-evaluation, Europe is undergoing destruction. Destroying Europe is about Destroying Christianity. As Hillaire Belloc said, "The Faith is Europe and Europe is the Faith". Destroy Europe, and orthodox apostolic Christianity will be destroyed.
True Christianity will never be removed since Christ has already done as God required: John 16:33 "but take courage! I have conquered the world.”
so Christianity in now firmly established and will never be removed but in time it will be the only way:- Habakkuk 2:14 "For the earth will be filled with the knowing of the glory of Jehovah as the waters themselves cover over [the] sea."
So do not worry, trust in God, his enemies are a drop in the ocean.