The Orthodox Church

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa

Patriarchate of Antioch and all East

Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Patriarchate of Russia

Patriarchate of Serbia

Patriarchate of Romania

Church of Bulgaria

Church of Georgia

Church of Greece

Church of Cyprus

Orthodox Church of Poland

Orthodox Church of Albania

Orthodox Church of the Chech and Slovak Republics

Archdiocese of Crete

Church of Finland

Holy Metropolis of Belgium

Holy Metropolis of Rhodes

Holy Metropolis of Germany

Holy Metropolis of Italia

Holy Metropolis of France

Morfu Diocese

Orthodox Church in Portugal

Orthodox Church of Estonia

Paphos Diocese


The Original Greek New Testament

They who have Christianity not in confession and faith in words, but in the power and energy of the Spirit, they who touch unceasingly in their mind with the hands of the soul the heavenly gold, the knowledge and narration of the mysteries of the Spirit, only them are true Christians. - St. Macarius the Great


Three Millennia of Greek Literature

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