Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson.
This Part: 128 Pages
Page 123
So is he always pure for prayer. He also prays in the society of angels, as being already of angelic rank, and he is never out of their holy keeping; and though he pray alone, he has the choir of the saints [3627] standing with him.
He recognises a twofold [element in faith], both the activity of him who believes, and the excellence of that which is believed according to its worth; since also righteousness is twofold, that which is out of love, and that from fear. Accordingly it is said, "The fear of the Lord is pure, remaining for ever and ever." [3628] For those that from fear turn to faith and righteousness, remain for ever. Now fear works abstinence from what is evil; but love exhorts to the doing of good, by building up to the point of spontaneousness; that one may hear from the Lord, "I call you no longer servants, but friends," and may now with confidence apply himself to prayer.
And the form of his prayer is thanksgiving for the past, for the present, and for the future as already through faith present. This is preceded by the reception of knowledge. And he asks to live the allotted life in the flesh as a Gnostic, as free from the flesh, and to attain to the best things, and flee from the worse. He asks, too, relief in those things in which we have sinned, and conversion to the acknowledgment of them. [3629]
[3627] agion, as in the best authorities: or angelon, as in recent editions. ["Where two or three are gathered," etc. This principle is insisted upon by the Fathers, as the great idea of public worship. And see the Trisagion, Bunsen's Hippolytus, vol. ii. p. 63.]
[3628] Ps. xix. 9.
[3629] Luke xviii. 18.
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