Persons of the dialogue: Socrates -
Alcibiades = Note by Elpenor |
50 Pages
Page 39
Soc.: Come, now, I beseech you, tell me with whom you are conversing? —with whom but with me?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: As I am, with you?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: That is to say, I, Socrates, am talking?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: And Alcibiades is my hearer?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: And I in talking use words?
Alc.: Certainly.
Soc.: And talking and using words have, I suppose, the same meaning?
Alc.: To be sure.
Soc.: And the user is not the same as the thing which he uses?
Alc.: What do you mean?
Soc.: I will explain; the shoemaker, for example, uses a square tool, and a circular tool, and other tools for cutting?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: But the tool is not the same as the cutter and user of the tool?
Alc.: Of course not.
Soc.: And in the same way the instrument of the harper is to be distinguished from the harper himself?
Alc.: It is.
Soc.: Now the question which I asked was whether you conceive the user to be always different from that which he uses?
Alc.: I do.
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Reference address : https://ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/plato/plato-alcibiades-i.asp?pg=39
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