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Three Millennia of Greek Literature

Euripides' HERACLEIDAE Complete

Translated by E. Coleridge.

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The Original Greek New Testament
47 pages - You are on Page 23

Leader: Ah, what shall I say on hearing the maid's brave words, she
that is ready to die for her brothers? Who can speak more noble words
or do more noble deeds henceforth for ever?

Iolaus: Daughter, thou art his own true child, no other man's but
Heracles', that godlike soul; proud am I of thy words, though I sorrow
for thy lot. Yet will I propose a fairer method: 'tis right to summon
hither all the sisters of this maiden, and then let her, on whom the
lot shall fall, die for her family; for that thou shouldst die without
the lot is not just.

Macaria: My death shall no chance lot decide; there is no graciousness
in that; peace! old friend. But if ye accept and will avail you of
my readiness, freely do I offer my life for these, and without constraint.

Iolaus: Ah, this is even nobler than thy former word; that was matchless,
but thou dost now surpass thy bravery and noble speech. I cannot bid,
will not forbid thy dying, O my daughter! for by thy death thou dost
thy brothers serve.

Macaria: A cautious bidding thine! Fear not to take a stain of guilt
from me, only let me die as one whose death is free. Follow me, old
friend, for in thy arms I fain would die; stand by and veil my body
with my robe, for I will go even to the dreadful doom of sacrifice,
seeing whose daughter I avow myself.

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