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Can a landscape become a teacher? What is the nature of clarity?
Pericles Giannopoulos, Divine Appearances: the Greek Line & the Greek Color
Page 17
And all the soils of plains, hills, mountains, all the waters, all airs, are all full of light and colors. The main Color, the characteristic Color is Sky Blue. The prevailing coloring is sky blue. Air, sky, mountains, the sea is blue. Standing on any high point one sees at the last wreath of the high mountains - Hymettos, Pentelikon, Parnis - and at the distant tops of the mountains behind them, the always dominating color, Sky Blue. And this aetherial Blue passes through all shades, all the scale of strengths and weaknesses, from the deepest wet raisin hips to the totally imperceptible blue of the eye pupil of a cat, from the densest up to the thinnest; from the most strengthening waves of happiness to the weakest melancholies, from pink dawns full of hope and midday enthusiasms to the afternoon colds of limbs and the sweetest closings of tired eyes. And this One prevailing characteristic Color, spreading in the air, mountains, waters, it receives the showers of Silver, sinks into silver clouds, silver dust, silver flowers, silver rain, it acquires silver veins, the silver flow branches into tiny wire streams on the mountains, forming big silver streams at the sea; and the pearl-colored caressings from the darker black of the pearl to the glass-face of the brightest silver streams, moonlighted seas, run smoothly, velvety and shining.
Cf. Images of Greece * Oscar Wilde, I stood upon the soil of Greece at last! * Jules Verne, Not anyone can see Naxos on the moon! * Mark Twain, Seeing Athens by stealth and moonlight * W. Davis, The Physical Setting of Athens