In the shadow of the vulture
THANK GOD there are at least some United Nations camps in this world, I was ready to write, when my friend Soeren, who was watching a movie, came in the study and saw that photo. - "I was there, you know", he said. "I let him take the photo and when he left, I took the child in my arms and walked to the camp. Some time away, there was another child like the first one - crawling, unable, almost dead. I carried both of them. There was a third one and I carried it. There were also a fourth and a fifth and I carried them too, already crying and asking God to forgive me, because I wouldn't handle another child - if there was to appear another one in our way. I also prayed to Him to have mercy on people like Carter or the Pulitzer responsibles, who have the blessing to be God's bitter hand on this earth." Wanderer, March 2002 |