Let all who speak so lightly about the
union of the churches understand that the unity of the Church is a
mystical gift of the divine presence. It is not something which is decided
upon at conferences, but something which either exists or does not exist.
No decision of men can constrain God.
Of course, externally union can come about,
and all can declare -Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox- that now we are
at last one church, and we can commemorate the Pope of Rome, and the Pope of
Rome can commemorate the Patriarch of Constantinople. If we all agree upon
one «minimum of truth», upon one simplified creed, and if a few other issues
are settled, there can be union. It will be a legally and externally valid
system, but it will be a system that has no relation with the Church of
Christ, even if all external appearances make it resemble the Church.
«God is not mocked». When the conditions of His presence do not exist in
men, God does not come to men.
The Church of Christ was never a human system.
The Church was born, it was not constructed. The discussions of men
can make something to which they can give the name of «Church». But this
fabrication will be something with no life. The living Church will have no
relation to it. …