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The union of the Churches is the best way to eliminate
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They visualize in the future a united world-church, with all men united by the bond of love. Heretics of various sects are to them their Christian brothers from whom they were separated by the egotisms and narrow-mindedness of bygone eras. They admit that there are doctrinal differences, but these differences shall be overcome by love, or to speak more openly, they shall be forgotten by love.
But what relation that sniveling love has with the love of God? How can they shamelessly claim that they have more love in their hearts than did the Saints, who were not able with their love to overcome the barriers which divided them from heresy, but on the contrary, they made these barriers higher so that they could protect the sheep from the wolves?
But that which they take for love of men is in its essence nothing but love of the world. It is a coming to terms with falsehood by men who cannot bear the hardships of the war with the powers of darkness. And their dream, that idyllic image of good and kindly people who make Christ reign on this earth -that temptation of the desert- is a dream condemned by the Lord Himself. Let the super-optimists cast a glance at the twenty-fourth chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, to see how the Lord prophesies concerning the last days. …
When the Lord foretells that deception shall cover the whole earth so that even the chosen shall be in danger of being deceived at their every step by the false Christians and false Christs who shall be everywhere, how can we be optimistic about the future? How can we be optimistic when the Lord foretells the multiplying of iniquity and the chilling of men’s love?
Of course, there are forecasts of the union of churches, of the union of all those who come in His name to deceive many. But «take heed that no man deceive you; behold, I have foretold it to you». The union which the false Christians of our times seek is one of the most perfect machinations of falsehood, a snare of hypocritical piety, from which the Lord wants to save us by making us cautious. … If the Gospel will be accepted and lived by all the nations of the earth, why does Christ say that the days at the end of the world will be like the days of Noah, when apostasy had covered the earth, and only a handful of people were found faithful to God and entered the ark, which symbolizes the Church? …
The future then is not as beautiful as «they who perish» imagine, they who «receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved». It will be characterized by apostasy, the worst falling away the world has ever known. Because it will not be a clean and honest denial of God, but a hypocrisy, a falsification of the Faith and of the truth. …
Many times Christians with irrefutable reason have shown the world how ridiculous are those who ridicule their Faith. But what of it? Did reason prevent them from believing? It is the mists from the mire in their hearts which do not permit them to see. Reason alone never enabled man to understand anything. So let them laugh. Their laughter brings faithful souls closer to the Lord. …
Those who want to unite the so-called Christian churches do not believe in the Church, do not believe in the religion of Christ. They simply use it. They use it for their own purposes. Their goal is the earthly kingdom to which they wish to subjugate all men…
Cf. Φώτης Κόντογλου, Κατὰ Ἑνωτικῶν * Pope Benedict XVI, The Papal Science * The Pope wants to baptize Russia! * The labyrinth of Papacy * The Papal Chrislamism * A union of Orthodoxy with the papal clergy will destroy Christianity permanently * The union of Orthodoxy with Papacy : a discussion