Orthodoxy is a spiritual experience, a life in
God, a series of ontological contacts, and not a system of human syllogisms.
Her syllogisms do exist, and they are most logical, but they are only aids.
Her foundations are not of syllogisms and philosophical speculations, but
living experiences of the divine energy in the pure hearts of the Saints;
How, then, can atheism carry on a discussion with her? …
From various religious organizations of our
land, scholars have been trying to prove for years that science also accepts
the existence of God, but in spite of all their discussions, they have only
managed to show how great is their own regard for science and philosophy
and their ignorance of Orthodoxy. Being living examples of the
Europeanization which we have undergone in our land [i.e., Greece], they
did not wish nor were they capable of drawing strength from Orthodoxy to
confound any and every philosophy. For all their theoretical Orthodoxy, they
remain true Westerners.
The Orthodox has the power to prove logically
to the philosophers that philosophy, if it wishes to remain rational, can
only end in agnosticism, the denial of every knowledge. Every other claim it
makes is unreasonable, and even though it appears to proceed from reason, it
is founded upon imagination.
There is only one road to knowledge, the one which
God has marked through the centuries. It is not a way of syllogisms but a
way of life, because truth is not a system of philosophical theories but a
personal existence: ĢI am the Way, the Truth, the Lifeģ. …