The Philosophical Europe - Page 2
H. Davis, The Medieval Western Europe
David Turner, Byzantium : The 'alternative' history of Europe
Berl, The West Owed Everything to Byzantium
(margin: Europe is beyond nationalism)
Ellopos Blog, 3 Posts on
the Fall of Byzantium
I. The Identity of
Byzantium, II. The
Fall Explained, III.
The Future of Byzantium
Schmidt, Byzantium and the East Is Part of
Europe and It Should Be
Ellopos Blog, A Civilization without Heart
Gilbert Murray,
Greek is the higher life of man
Christodoulos of Athens and all Greece, With or
without Christianity?
Religious Symbols in European Classrooms (Lautsi and Others v. Italy)
Alexander Kalomoiros,
The union of the Churches is the best
way to eliminate Christianity
Pope Benedict XVI,
The Papal Science
Photis Kontoglou,
Christianity and Islam - Two related,
yet different religions
J. O. y
Gassett, The Revolt of the Masses
(margin: P. Valery, The Crisis of the Mind, Th. Adorno, The Culture
Max Weber, The
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
(margin: Values
of Occidental Civilization)
Christian Andersen, In a Thousand Years
Schelling, A
Union Needs Religion
Nietzsche, The
European Nihilism
Kierkegaard, The Real Problem