by visitors
- I am writing to say "Thanks" for
your most important work. Your site is one of the best sites online...
- Your site is impressive - a valuable resource...
- Thank you for your marvelous pages. Have sent this to my son & grandchildren...
I really am impressed with your forthrightness. Ninety-nine percent of the
Western media and press are polluted with political correctness...
- I'm pleased to see the entirety of the Greek language presented as a whole...
- I am excited about learning Homeric Greek and Homer! You have opened a new
world to me!...
- You are a key figure of Greek on the Web...
- I've just finished my first tour of this site. Wow! What a lot of work has gone into this site, and it's real quality...
- Thank you for your work on this site and for making it public. It is a fine piece of work that I will refer to long into the future...
- I enjoy your web page so much. I am still on lesson 2, (I go over it again and again)...
- It is heartwarming to
see a site that is so well done and presents the best of Greek thought...
- This is a great site! I haven't fully looked at it, but I can't imagine it any better than it seems to be...
- Ellopos continues to set the standard to which other humble bloggers like myself can only aspire to...
- The Ellopos site is, as it has always been, a magnificent achievement...
- Ellopos is a joy to explore. It is like a mysterious Minoan labyrinth that brings surprises around every corner...
- What an incredible website! I am absolutely thrilled. Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU! And God bless you...
- I'm just amazed of your pages. I work on Greek and Oriental Patristics and am really delighted with all the material you are offering...
- Your pages are a breath of fresh air...
Wonderful pages...
- What an amazing website! Thank you for your scholarship...
Very classy web site. Its appearance and content are first rate...
- Thank you for providing such a thought-stimulating site!...
I love your site...
- Thank you for allowing me to experience a gorgeous web site. I spent part of Tuesday evening there, part of the following morning and evening, too. I'll visit often, and just may try to make some progress in Greek there...
- Fantastic web site! Eternal thanks...
Love the site! What a treasure!
- I am eager to get whatever you produce as soon as and however you produce it...
- I am overwhelmed by a sense of "home coming". Thank you for creating, developing, and maintaining such an amazing, profound presence online....
A brief word of sincere congratulations for your excellent site. I wish I knew
who you were!... Please continue your educational work on the web...
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your wonderful site. Keep up the
good work....
- You are a great relief from the meager and unorganized web sites that seem
to permeate the web. Thanks for being on the web!...
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