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A church named after Meister Eckhart?


Bruce Watson writes:

Is is possible that a small Lutheran Church in Germany called St Eckard's would be named after Meister Eckhart? Built in the 15 century, it was originally Roman Catholic before the reformation.

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Dear Bruce, 

I don't think so, but I'm sure the priest of the Church would know the Saint they celebrate. However, I'll post your message in case someone else knows more.Add a note!

Vladimir Stepanov writes:

As far as I know, Meister Eckhard is not canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. During his lifetime, Eckhard was accuced of a heresy and had to face a trial. He died during the prosess, and soon after his death was officially proclamed a heretic. Of course, canonizing a heretic is out of question. At present time the Roman Catholic Church is owerviewing Eckhard's case. Who knows - maybe the accusation will be taken over from him, and he will even be canonized? But until now... So the church you are speaking about most probably in named after some other Eckhard.


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The Meister Eckhart Site

The Condemnation of Meister Eckhart

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