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ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word

Three Millennia of Greek Literature


Translated by John Patrick.

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The Original Greek New Testament

128 Pages

Page 35

19. Relation of Faith and Unbelief to the Supernatural Powers of Jesus.

Following this you may see, "He did not there many mighty works because of their unbelief." [5287] We are taught by these things that powers were found in those who believed, since "to every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance," [5288] but among unbelievers not only did the powers not work, but as Mark wrote, "They could not work." [5289] For attend to the words, "He could not there do any mighty works," for it is not said, "He would not," but "He could not; "as if there came to the power when working co-operation from the faith of him on whom the power was working, but this co-operation was hindered in its exercise by unbelief. See, then, that to those who said, "Why could we not cast it out?" He said, "Because of your little faith." [5290] And to Peter, when he began to sink, it was said, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" [5291] But, moreover, she who had the issue of blood, who did not ask for the cure, but only reasoned that if she were to touch the hem of His garment she would be healed, was healed on the spot. And the Saviour, acknowledging the method of healing, says, "Who touched Me? For I perceived that power went forth from Me." [5292] And perhaps, as in the case of material things there exists in some things a natural attraction towards some other thing, as in the magnet for iron, and in what is called naphtha for fire, so there is an attraction in such faith towards the divine power, according to what is said, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove." [5293] And Matthew and Mark, wishing to set forth the excellency of the divine power, that it has power even in unbelief, but not so great power as it has in the faith of those who are being benefited, seem to me to have said with accuracy, not that He did not "any" mighty works because of their unbelief, but that He did not "many" there. [5294]

[5287] Matt. xiii. 58.

[5288] Matt. xiii. 12.

[5289] Matt. xvii. 19, 20.

[5290] Matt. xiv. 31.

[5291] Luke viii. 45, 46.

[5292] Matt. xvii. 20.

[5293] Matt. xiii. 58.

[5294] Mark vi. 5.

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