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Three Millennia of Greek Literature


Translated by John Patrick.

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The Original Greek New Testament

128 Pages

Page 33

Moreover, as by the transgression of the law he who sins is said to dishonour God, so by not believing in that which is prophesied the prophet is dishonoured by the man who disbelieves the prophecies. And so far as the literal truth is concerned, it is useful to recount what things Jeremiah suffered among the people in relation to which he said, "And I said, I will not speak, nor will I call upon the name of the Lord." [5276] And again, elsewhere, "I was continually being mocked." [5277] And how great sufferings he endured from the then king of Israel are written in his prophecy. And it is also written that some of the people often came to stone Moses to death; for his fatherland was not the stones of any place, but the people who followed him, among whom also he was dishonoured. And Isaiah is reported to have been sawn asunder by the people; and if any one does not accept the statement because of its being found in the Apocryphal Isaiah, [5278] let him believe what is written thus in the Epistle to the Hebrews, "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, they were tempted;" [5279] for the expression, "They were sawn asunder," refers to Isaiah, just as the words, "They were slain with the sword," refer to Zacharias, who was slain "between the sanctuary and the altar," [5280] as the Saviour taught, bearing testimony, as I think, to a Scripture, though not extant in the common and widely circulated books, but perhaps in apocryphal books. And they, too, were dishonoured in their own country among the Jews who went about "in sheep-skins, in goat-skins, being destitute, afflicted," and so on; [5281] "For all that will to live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." [5282]

[5276] Jer. xx. 9.

[5277] Jer. xx. 7.

[5278] Probably the Ascensio Isaiae. Cf. Orig. Ep. ad Afric. c. 9.

[5279] Heb. xi. 37.

[5280] Matt. xxiii. 35. Cf. Orig. Ep. ad Afric. c. 9.

[5281] Heb. xi. 37.

[5282] 2 Tim. iii. 12.

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