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ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word

Three Millennia of Greek Literature


Translated by John Patrick.

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The Original Greek New Testament

128 Pages

Page 29

And Mark says, "And He came into His own country and His disciples follow Him." [5255] We must therefore inquire whether, by the expression, "His own country," is meant Nazareth or Bethlehem,--Nazareth, because of the saying, "He shall be called a Nazarene," [5256] or Bethlehem, since in it He was born. And further I reflect whether the Evangelists could have said, "coming to Bethlehem," or, "coming to Nazareth." They have not done so, but have named it "His country," because of something being declared in a mystic sense in the passage about His country,--namely, the whole of Judaea,--in which He was dishonoured according to the saying, "A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country." [5257] And if anyone thinks of Jesus Christ, "a stumbling-block to the Jews," [5258] among whom He is persecuted even until now, but proclaimed among the Gentiles and believed in,--for His word has run over the whole world,--he will see that in His own country Jesus had no honour, but that among those who were "strangers from the covenants," [5259] the Gentiles, He is held in honour. But what things He taught and spake in their synagogue the Evangelists have not recorded, but only that they were so great and of such a nature that all were astonished. And probably the things spoken were too high to be written down. Only be it noted, He taught in their synagogue, not separating from it, nor disregarding it.

[5255] Mark vi. 1.

[5256] Matt. ii. 23.

[5257] Matt. xiii. 57.

[5258] 1 Cor. i. 23.

[5259] Eph. ii. 12.

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