Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson.
52 Pages
Page 20
Chapter XVII.--The Tradition of the Church Prior to that of the Heresies.
Those, then, that adhere to impious words, and dictate them to others, inasmuch as they do not make a right but a perverse use of the divine words, neither themselves enter into the kingdom of heaven, nor permit those whom they have deluded to attain the truth. But not having the key of entrance, but a false (and as the common phrase expresses it), a counterfeit key (antikleis), by which they do not enter in as we enter in, through the tradition of the Lord, by drawing aside the curtain; but bursting through the side-door, and digging clandestinely through the wall of the Church, and stepping over the truth, they constitute themselves the Mystagogues [3687] of the soul of the impious.
For that the human assemblies which they held were posterior to the Catholic Church requires not many words to show.
For the teaching of our Lord at His advent, beginning with Augustus and Tiberius, was completed in the middle of the times of Tiberius. [3689]
And that of the apostles, embracing the ministry of Paul, ends with Nero. It was later, in the times of Adrian the king, that those who invented the heresies arose; and they extended to the age of Antoninus the elder, as, for instance, Basilides, though he claims (as they boast) for his master, Glaucias, the interpreter of Peter.
[3687] Those who initiate into the mysteries.
[3689] He men gar tou Kuriou kata ten parousian didaskalia, apo Augoustou kai Tiberiou Kaisaros, arxamene, mesounton ton Augoustou chronon teleioutai. In the translation, the change recommended, on high authority, of Augoustou into Tiberiou in the last clause, is adopted, as on the whole the best way of solving the unquestionable difficulty here. If we retain Augoustou, the clause must then be made parenthetical, and the sense would be: "For the teaching of the Lord on His advent, beginning with Augustus and Tiberius (in the middle of the times of Augustus), was completed." The objection to this (not by any means conclusive) is, that it does not specify the end of the period. The first 15 years of the life of our Lord were the last 15 of the reign of Augustus; and in the 15th year of the reign of his successor Tiberius our Lord was baptized. Clement elsewhere broaches the singular opinion, that our Lord's ministry lasted only a year, and, consequently that He died in the year in which He was baptized. As Augustus reigned, according to one of the chronologies of Clement, 43, and according to the other 46 years 4 months 1 day, and Tiberius 22 or 26 years 6 months 19 days, the period of the teacing of the Gospel specified above began during the reign of Augustus, and ended during the reign of Tiberius.
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