Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson.
This Part: 128 Pages
Page 9
And now I will adduce Plato himself, who clearly deems it fit to believe the children of God. For, discoursing on gods that are visible and born, in Timaeus, he says: "But to speak of the other demons, and to know their birth, is too much for us. But we must credit those who have formerly spoken, they being the offspring of the gods, as they said, and knowing well their progenitors, although they speak without probable and necessary proofs." I do not think it possible that clearer testimony could be borne by the Greeks, that our Saviour, and those anointed to prophesy (the latter being called the sons of God, and the Lord being His own Son), are the true witnesses respecting divine things. Wherefore also they ought to be believed, being inspired, he added. And were one to say in a more tragic vein, that we ought not to believe,
"For it was not Zeus that told me these things,"
yet let him know that it was God Himself that promulgated the Scriptures by His Son. And he, who announces what is his own, is to be believed. "No one," says the Lord, "hath known the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son shall reveal Him." [3098] This, then, is to be believed, according to Plato, though it is announced and spoken "without probable and necessary proofs," but in the Old and New Testament. "For except ye believe," says the Lord, "ye shall die in your sins." [3099] And again: "He that believeth hath everlasting life." [3100] "Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him." [3101] For trusting is more than faith. For when one has believed [3102] that the Son of God is our teacher, he trusts [3103] that his teaching is true. And as "instruction," according to Empedocles, "makes the mind grow," so trust in the Lord makes faith grow.
[3098] Matt. xi. 27; Luke x. 22.
[3099] John viii. 24.
[3100] John iii. 15, 16, 36, v. 24.
[3101] Ps. ii. 12.
[3102] The text epistetai, but the sense seems to require episteuse.
[3103] pepoithen, has confidence.
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