And so forth. For in these he indicates these prophetic utterances: "If Thou openest the heaven, trembling shall seize the mountains from Thy presence; and they shall melt, as wax melteth before the fire;" [3157] and in Isaiah, "Who hath measured the heaven with a span, and the whole earth with His fist? [3158] Again, when it is said:--
"Ruler of Ether, Hades, Sea, and Land,
Who with Thy bolts Olympus' strong-built home
Dost shake. Whom demons dread, and whom the throng
Of gods do fear. Whom, too, the Fates obey,
Relentless though they be. O deathless One,
Our mother's Sire! whose wrath makes all things reel;
Who mov'st the winds, and shroud'st in clouds the world,
Broad Ether cleaving with Thy lightning gleams,--
Thine is the order 'mongst the stars, which run
As Thine unchangeable behests direct.
[3157] Isa. lxiv. 1, 2; xl. 12.
[3158] [On the Orphica, see Lewis' Plato cont. Ath., p. 99.]