Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson.
128 Pages
Page 8
Chapter V.--All Who Walk According to Truth are Children of God.
That, then, Paedagogy is the training of children (paidon agoge), is clear from the word itself. It remains for us to consider the children whom Scripture points to; then to give the paedagogue charge of them. We are the children. In many ways Scripture celebrates us, and describes us in manifold figures of speech, giving variety to the simplicity of the faith by diverse names. Accordingly, in the Gospel, "the Lord, standing on the shore, says to the disciples"--they happened to be fishing--"and called aloud, Children, have ye any meat?" [1049] --addressing those that were already in the position of disciples as children. "And they brought to Him," it is said, "children, that He might put His hands on them and bless them; and when His disciples hindered them, Jesus said, Suffer the children, and forbid them not to come to Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." [1050] What the expression means the Lord Himself shall declare, saying, "Except ye be converted, and become as little chidren, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven;" [1051] not in that place speaking figuratively of regeneration, but setting before us, for our imitation, the simplicity that is in children. [1052]
[1049] John xxi. 4, 5.
[1050] Matt. xix. 14.
[1051] Matt. xviii. 3.
[1052] [The dignity ascribed to Christian childhood in this chapter is something noteworthy. The Gospel glorifying children, sanctifies marriage, and creates the home.] [Elpenor's note: I'm afraid I can't agree that the Gospel "creates the home". This is the view of the 'happy protestant', for whom God exists in order to sanctify this life, while it is obvious, especially if we recall other passages, such as "I've come to bring war, not peace", "the children of this age are getting married, in the other life there is no marriage", etc., that Christ suggests we become children ourselves, whether we happen to have families or not.]
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