Persons of the dialogue: Theodorus - Theaetetus - Socrates - an Eleatic stranger = Note by Elpenor |
77 Pages
Page 75
Str. And this appeared to be the case; and therefore now, without hesitation, we shall number the different kinds as two.
Theaet. True.
Str. Then, now, let us again divide the phantastic art.
Theaet. Where shall we make the division?
Str. There is one kind which is produced by an instrument, and another in which the creator of the appearance is himself the instrument.
Theaet. What do you mean?
Str. When any one makes himself appear like another in his figure or his voice, imitation is the name for this part of the phantastic art. Theaet. Yes.
Str. Let this, then, be named the art of mimicry, and this the province assigned to it; as for the other division, we are weary and will give that up, leaving to some one else the duty of making the class and giving it a suitable name.
Theaet. Let us do as you say - assign a sphere to the one and leave the other.
Str. There is a further distinction, Theaetetus, which is worthy of our consideration, and for a reason which I will tell you.
Theaet. Let me hear.
Str. There are some who imitate, knowing what they imitate, and some who do not know. And what line of distinction can there possibly be greater than that which divides ignorance from knowledge?
Theaet. There can be no greater.
Str. Was not the sort of imitation of which we spoke just now the imitation of those who know? For he who would imitate you would surely know you and your figure?
Theaet. Naturally.
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