Persons of the dialogue: Socrates - Protarchus - Philebus = Note by Elpenor |
79 Pages
Page 26
Soc. And is the fire in the universe nourished and generated and ruled by the fire in us, or is the fire in you and me, and in other animals, dependent on the universal fire?
Pro. That is a question which does not deserve an answer.
Soc. Right; and you would say the same, if I am not mistaken, of the earth which is in animals and the earth which is in the universe, and you would give a similar reply about all the other elements?
Pro. Why, how could any man who gave any other be deemed in his senses?
Soc. I do not think that he could - but now go on to the next step. When we saw those elements of which we have been speaking gathered up in one, did we not call them a body?
Pro. We did.
Soc. And the same may be said of the cosmos, which for the same reason may be considered to be a body, because made up of the same elements.
Pro. Very true.
Soc. But is our body nourished wholly by this body, or is this body nourished by our body, thence deriving and having the qualities of which we were just now speaking?
Pro. That again, Socrates, is a question which does not deserve to be asked.
Soc. Well, tell me, is this question worth asking?
Pro. What question?
Soc. May our body be said to have a soul?
Pro. Clearly.
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Reference address : https://ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/plato/plato-philebus.asp?pg=26
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