Persons of the dialogue: Cephalus - Adeimantus - Glaucon -
Antiphon = Note by Elpenor |
75 Pages
Page 63
Well, and ought we not to consider next what will be the consequence if the one is not?
Yes; we ought.
What is the meaning of the hypothesis - If the one is not; is there any difference between this and the hypothesis - If the not one is not? There is a difference, certainly.
Is there a difference only, or rather are not the two expressions - if the one is not, and if the not one is not, entirely opposed?
They are entirely opposed.
And suppose a person to say: - If greatness is not, if smallness is not, or anything of that sort, does he not mean, whenever he uses such an expression, that "what is not" is other than other things?
To be sure.
And so when he says "If one is not" he clearly means, that what "is not" is other than all others; we know what he means - do we not?
Yes, we do.
When he says "one," he says something which is known; and secondly something which is other than all other things; it makes no difference whether he predicate of one being or not being, for that which is said "not to be" is known to be something all the same, and is distinguished from other things.
Then I will begin again, and ask: If one is not, what are the consequences? In the first place, as would appear, there is a knowledge of it, or the very meaning of the words, "if one is not," would not be known.
Secondly, the others differ from it, or it could not be described as different from the others?
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