Ath. Then let him who has been elected a director of music receive these rules
from us as containing the very truth; and may he prosper in his office! Let us
now proceed to lay down other rules in addition to the preceding about dancing
and gymnastic exercise in general. Having said what remained to be said about
the teaching of music, let us speak in like manner about gymnastic. For boys
and girls ought to learn to dance and practise gymnastic exercises - ought they
Cle. Yes.
Ath. Then the boys ought to have dancing masters, and the girls dancing
mistresses to exercise them.
Cle. Very good.
Ath. Then once more let us summon him who has the chief concern in the
business, the superintendent of youth [i.e., the director of education]; he
will have plenty to do, if he is to have the charge of music and gymnastic.
Cle. But how will old man be able to attend to such great charges?