Plato : GORGIASPersons of the dialogue: Callicles - Socrates - Chaerephon
Gorgias - Polus = Note by Elpenor |
This Part: 30 Pages
Part 2 Page 3
Soc. And if he burns in excess or so as to cause pain, the thing burned will be burned in the same way?
Pol. Truly.
Soc. And if he cuts, the same argument holds - there will be something cut?
Pol. Yes.
Soc. And if the cutting be great or deep or such as will cause pain, the cut will be of the same nature?
Pol. That is evident.
Soc. Then you would agree generally to the universal proposition which I was just now asserting: that the affection of the patient answers to the affection of the agent?
Pol. I agree.
Soc. Then, as this is admitted, let me ask whether being punished is suffering or acting?
Pol. Suffering, Socrates; there can be no doubt of that.
Soc. And suffering implies an agent?
Pol. Certainly, Socrates; and he is the punisher.
Soc. And he who punishes rightly, punishes justly?
Pol. Yes.
Soc. And therefore he acts justly?
Pol. Justly.
Soc. Then he who is punished and suffers retribution, suffers justly?
Pol. That is evident.
Soc. And that which is just has been admitted to be honourable?
Pol. Certainly.
Soc. Then the punisher does what is honourable, and the punished suffers what is honourable?
Pol. True.
Gorgias Part 1 and 3 of 3. You are at Part 2
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