Persons of the dialogue: Socrates -
Alcibiades = Note by Elpenor |
50 Pages
Page 6
Soc.: And they ought to go to war with those against whom it is better to go to war?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: And when it is better?
Alc.: Certainly.
Soc.: And for as long a time as is better?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: But suppose the Athenians to deliberate with whom they ought to close in wrestling, and whom they should grasp by the hand, would you, or the master of gymnastics, be a better adviser of them?
Alc.: Clearly, the master of gymnastics.
Soc.: And can you tell me on what grounds the master of gymnastics would decide, with whom they ought or ought not to close, and when and how? To take an instance: Would he not say that they should wrestle with those against whom it is best to wrestle?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: And as much as is best?
Alc.: Certainly.
Soc.: And at such times as are best?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: Again; you sometimes accompany the lyre with the song and dance?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: When it is well to do so?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: And as much as is well?
Alc.: Just so.
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Reference address : https://ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/plato/plato-alcibiades-i.asp?pg=6
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