Persons of the dialogue: Socrates -
Alcibiades = Note by Elpenor |
50 Pages
Page 33
Soc.: And what is that of which the absence or presence improves and preserves the order of the city? Suppose you were to ask me, what is that of which the presence or absence improves or preserves the order of the body? I should reply, the presence of health and the absence of disease. You would say the same?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: And if you were to ask me the same question about the eyes, I should reply in the same way, 'the presence of sight and the absence of blindness;' or about the ears, I should reply, that they were improved and were in better case, when deafness was absent, and hearing was present in them.
Alc.: True.
Soc.: And what would you say of a state? What is that by the presence or absence of which the state is improved and better managed and ordered?
Alc.: I should say, Socrates:—the presence of friendship and the absence of hatred and division.
Soc.: And do you mean by friendship agreement or disagreement?
Alc.: Agreement.
Soc.: What art makes cities agree about numbers?
Alc.: Arithmetic.
Soc.: And private individuals?
Alc.: The same.
Soc.: And what art makes each individual agree with himself?
Alc.: The same.
Soc.: And what art makes each of us agree with himself about the comparative length of the span and of the cubit? Does not the art of measure?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: Individuals are agreed with one another about this; and states, equally?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: And the same holds of the balance?
Alc.: True.
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Reference address : https://ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/plato/plato-alcibiades-i.asp?pg=33
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