Persons of the dialogue: Socrates -
Alcibiades = Note by Elpenor |
50 Pages
Page 31
Soc.: But would you say that the good are the same as the bad?
Alc.: Certainly not.
Soc.: Then whom do you call the good?
Alc.: I mean by the good those who are able to rule in the city.
Soc.: Not, surely, over horses?
Alc.: Certainly not.
Soc.: But over men?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: When they are sick?
Alc.: No.
Soc.: Or on a voyage?
Alc.: No.
Soc.: Or reaping the harvest?
Alc.: No.
Soc.: When they are doing something or nothing?
Alc.: When they are doing something, I should say.
Soc.: I wish that you would explain to me what this something is.
Alc.: When they are having dealings with one another, and using one another's services, as we citizens do in our daily life.
Soc.: Those of whom you speak are ruling over men who are using the services of other men?
Alc.: Yes.
Soc.: Are they ruling over the signal - men who give the time to the rowers?
Alc.: No; they are not.
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Reference address : https://ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/plato/plato-alcibiades-i.asp?pg=31
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