Enough is said; I bid the judges now
With pure intent deliver just award.
We too have shot our every shaft of speech,
And now abide to hear the doom of law.
to Apollo and Orestes
Say, how ordaining shall I 'scape your blame?
I spake, ye heard; enough. O stranger men,
Heed well your oath as ye decide the cause.
O men of Athens, ye who first do judge
The law of bloodshed, hear me now ordain.
Here to all time for Aegeus' Attic host
Shall stand this council-court of judges sworn,
Here the tribunal, set on Ares' Hill
Where camped of old the tented Amazons,
What time in hate of Theseus they assailed
Athens, and set against her citadel
A counterwork of new sky-pointing towers,
And there to Ares held their sacrifice,
Where now the rock hath name, even Ares' Hill.