Persons of the dialogue: Socrates - Theodorus - Theaetetus - Euclid - Terpsion = Note by Elpenor |
This Part: 48 Pages
Part 2 Page 46
Soc. Understand why: - the reason is, as I was just now saying, that if you get at the difference and distinguishing characteristic of each thing, then, as many persons affirm, you will get at the definition or explanation of it; but while you lay hold only of the common and not of the characteristic notion, you will only have the definition of those things to which this common quality belongs.
Theaet. I understand you, and your account of definition is in my judgment correct.
Soc. But he, who having right opinion about anything, can find out the difference which distinguishes it from other things will know that of which before he had only an opinion.
Theaet. Yes; that is what we are maintaining.
Soc. Nevertheless, Theaetetus, on a nearer view, I find myself quite disappointed; the picture, which at a distance was not so bad, has now become altogether unintelligible.
Theaet. What do you mean?
Soc. I will endeavour to explain: I will suppose myself to have true opinion of you, and if to this I add your definition, then I have knowledge, but if not, opinion only.
Theaet. Yes.
Soc. The definition was assumed to be the interpretation of your difference.
Theaet. True.
Soc. But when I had only opinion, I had no conception of your distinguishing characteristics.
Theaet. I suppose not.
Soc. Then I must have conceived of some general or common nature which no more belonged to you than to another.
Theaet. True.
Theaetetus part 1 of 2. You are at part 2
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Reference address : https://ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-Greece/plato/plato-theaetetus-2.asp?pg=46
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