Persons of the dialogue: Socrates - Theodorus - Theaetetus - Euclid - Terpsion = Note by Elpenor |
This Part: 48 Pages
Part 2 Page 42
Soc. We cannot, therefore, agree in the opinion of him who says that the syllable can be known and expressed, but not the letters.
Theaet. Certainly not; if we may trust the argument.
Soc. Well, but will you not be equally inclined to, disagree with him, when you remember your own experience in learning to read?
Theaet. What experience?
Soc. Why, that in learning you were kept trying to distinguish the separate letters both by the eye and by the car, in order that, when you heard them spoken or saw them written, you might not be confused by their position.
Theaet. Very true.
Soc. And is the education of the harp - player complete unless he can tell what string answers to a particular note; the notes, as every one would allow, are the elements or letters of music?
Theaet. Exactly.
Soc. Then, if we argue from the letters and syllables which we know to other simples and compounds, we shall say that the letters or simple elements as a class are much more certainly known than the syllables, and much more indispensable to a perfect knowledge of any subject; and if some one says that the syllable is known and the letter unknown, we shall consider that either intentionally or unintentionally he is talking nonsense?
Theaet. Exactly.
Soc. And there might be given other proofs of this belief, if I am not mistaken. But do not let us in looking for them lose sight of the question before us, which is the meaning of the statement, that right opinion with rational definition or explanation is the most perfect form of knowledge.
Theaet. We must not.
Theaetetus part 1 of 2. You are at part 2
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