Persons of the dialogue: Socrates - Theodorus - Theaetetus - Euclid - Terpsion = Note by Elpenor |
This Part: 48 Pages
Part 2 Page 32
Soc. But when he catches the one which he wants, then he is not deceived, and has an opinion of what is, and thus false and true opinion may exist, and the difficulties which were previously raised disappear. I dare say that you agree with me, do you not?
Theaet. Yes.
Soc. And so we are rid of the difficulty of a man's not knowing what he knows, for we are not driven to the inference that he does not possess what he possesses, whether he be or be not deceived. And yet I fear that a greater difficulty is looking in at the window.
Theaet. What is it?
Soc. How can the exchange of one knowledge for another ever become false opinion?
Theaet. What do you mean?
Soc. In the first place, how can a man who has the knowledge of anything be ignorant of that which he knows, not by reason of ignorance, but by reason of his own knowledge? And, again, is it not an extreme absurdity that he should suppose another thing to be this, and this to be another thing; - that, having knowledge present with him in his mind, he should still know nothing and be ignorant of all things? - you might as well argue that ignorance may make a man know, and blindness make him see, as that knowledge can make him ignorant.
Theaet. Perhaps, Socrates, we may have been wrong in making only forms of knowledge our birds: whereas there ought to have been forms of ignorance as well, flying about together in the mind, and then he who sought to take one of them might sometimes catch a form of knowledge, and sometimes a form of ignorance; and thus he would have a false opinion from ignorance, but a true one from knowledge, about the same thing.
Soc. I cannot help praising you, Theaetetus, and yet I must beg you to reconsider your words. Let us grant what you say - then, according to you, he who takes ignorance will have a false opinion - am I right?
Theaet. Yes.
Theaetetus part 1 of 2. You are at part 2
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