Persons of the dialogue: Theodorus - Theaetetus - Socrates - an Eleatic stranger = Note by Elpenor |
77 Pages
Page 6
Str. The hunting of animals who live in the water has the general name of fishing.
Theaet. Yes.
Str. And this sort of hunting may be further divided also into two principal kinds?
Theaet. What are they?
Str. There is one kind which takes them in nets, another which takes them by a blow.
Theaet. What do you mean, and how do you distinguish them?
Str. As to the first kind - all that surrounds and encloses anything to prevent egress, may be rightly called an enclosure.
Theaet. Very true.
Str. For which reason twig baskets, casting nets, nooses, creels, and the like may all be termed "enclosures"?
Theaet. True.
Str. And therefore this first kind of capture may be called by us capture with enclosures, or something of that sort?
Theaet. Yes.
Str. The other kind, which is practised by a blow with hooks and three pronged spears, when summed up under one name, may be called striking, unless you, Theaetetus, can find some better name?
Theaet. Never mind the name - what you suggest will do very well.
Str. There is one mode of striking, which is done at night, and by the light of a fire, and is by the hunters themselves called firing, or spearing by firelight.
Theaet. True.
Str. And the fishing by day is called by the general name of barbing because the spears, too, are barbed at the point.
Theaet. Yes, that is the term.
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