Plato : GORGIASPersons of the dialogue: Callicles - Socrates - Chaerephon
Gorgias - Polus = Note by Elpenor |
This Part: 30 Pages
Part 2 Page 27
Soc. But surely the wise and brave are the good, and the foolish and the cowardly are the bad?
Cal. Yes.
Soc. Then the good and the bad are pleased and pained in a nearly equal degree?
Cal. Yes.
Soc. Then are the good and bad good and bad in a nearly equal degree, or have the bad the advantage both in good and evil? [i.e. in having more pleasure and more pain.]
Cal. I really do not know what you mean.
Soc. Why, do you not remember saying that the good were good because good was present with them, and the evil because evil; and that pleasures were goods and pains evils?
Cal. Yes, I remember.
Soc. And are not these pleasures or goods present to those who rejoice - if they do rejoice?
Cal. Certainly.
Soc. Then those who rejoice are good when goods are present with them?
Cal. Yes.
Soc. And those who are in pain have evil or sorrow present with them?
Cal. Yes.
Soc. And would you still say that the evil are evil by reason of the presence of evil?
Cal. I should.
Soc. Then those who rejoice are good, and those who are in pain evil?
Cal. Yes.
Soc. The degrees of good and evil vary with the degrees of pleasure and of pain?
Cal. Yes.
Gorgias Part 1 and 3 of 3. You are at Part 2
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