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Three Millennia of Greek Literature


Persons of the dialogue: Socrates - Hermogenes - Cratylus
Translated by Benjamin Jowett - 32 Pages (Part 2) - Greek fonts
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CRATYLUS part 2 of 2

Part 1


The Original Greek New Testament

Plato in print

This Part: 32 Pages

Part 2 Page 27

Soc. But let us consider what is the nature of this information about things which, according to you, is given us by names. Is it the best sort of information? or is there any other? What do you say? Crat. I believe that to be both the only and the best sort of information about them; there can be no other.

Soc. But do you believe that in the discovery of them, he who discovers the names discovers also the things; or is this only the method of instruction, and is there some other method of enquiry and discovery.

Crat. I certainly believe that the methods of enquiry and discovery are of the same nature as instruction.

Soc. Well, but do you not see, Cratylus, that he who follows names in the search after things, and analyses their meaning, is in great danger of being deceived?

Crat. How so?

Soc. Why clearly he who first gave names gave them according to his conception of the things which they signified -  did he not?

Crat. True.

Soc. And if his conception was erroneous, and he gave names according to his conception, in what position shall we who are his followers find ourselves? Shall we not be deceived by him?

Crat. But, Socrates, am I not right in thinking that he must surely have known; or else, as I was saying, his names would not be names at all? And you have a clear proof that he has not missed the truth, and the proof is -  that he is perfectly consistent. Did you ever observe in speaking that all the words which you utter have a common character and purpose?

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