After this I resided outside the acropolis among the mercenaries. Various
people then came to me, among them those of the ships' crews who came from
Athens, my own fellow citizens, and reported that I was evil spoken of among
the peltasts, and that some of them were threatening to make an end of me, if
they could ket hold of me Accordingly I devised the following plan for my
I sent to Archytes and my other friends in Taras, telling them the plight I
was in. Finding some excuse for an embassy from their city, they sent a thirty
- oared galley with Lamiscos, one of themselves, who came and entreated
Dionysios about me, saying that I wanted to go, and that he should on no
account stand in my way. He consented and allowed me to go, giving me money
for the journey. But for Dion's property I made no further request, nor was
any of it restored.