When I heard this proposal I was vexed, but after reflection said I would let
him know my view of it on the following day. We agreed to that effect for the
moment, and afterwards when I was by myself I pondered the matter in much
distress. The first reflection that came up, leading the way in my self -
communing, was this: "Come suppose that Dionysios intends to do none of the
things which he has mentioned, but that, after my departure, he writes a
plausible letter to Dion, and orders several of his creatures to write to the
same effect, telling him of the proposal which he has now made to me, making
out that he was willing to do what he proposed, but that I refused and
completely neglected Dion's interests. Further, suppose that he is not willing
to allow my departure, and without giving personal orders to any of the
merchants, makes it clear, as he easily can, to all that he not wish me to
sail, will anyone consent to take me as a passenger, when I leave the house:
of Dionysios?"