A History of Greek Philosophy / THE SCHOOL OF MILETUS / HERACLITUS
Page 6
This vision of existence in its eternal flux and interchange, seems to have inspired Heraclitus with a contemplative melancholy. In the traditions of later times he was known as the weeping philosopher. Lucian represents him as saying, “To me it is a sorrow that there is nothing fixed or secure, and that all things are thrown confusedly together, so that pleasure and pain, knowledge and ignorance, the great and the small, are the same, ever circling round and passing one into the other in the sport of time.” “Time,” he says elsewhere, “is like a child that plays with the dice.” The highest good, therefore, for mortals is that clarity of perception in respect of oneself and all that is, whereby we shall learn to apprehend somewhat of the eternal unity and harmony, that underlies the good and evil of time, the shock and stress of circumstance and place. The highest virtue for man is a placid and a quiet constancy, whatever the changes and chances of life may bring. It is the pantheistic apathy.
The sadder note of humanity, the note of Euripides and at times of Sophocles, the note of Dante and of the Tempest of Shakespeare, of Shelley and Arnold and Carlyle,—this note we hear thus early and thus clear, in the dim and distant utterances of Heraclitus. The mystery of existence, the unreality of what seems most real, the intangibility and evanescence of all things earthly,—these thoughts obscurely echoing to us across the ages from Heraclitus, have remained, and always will remain, among the deepest and most insistent of the world’s thoughts, in its sincerest moments and in its greatest thinkers.
Cf. Heraclitus Resources / Guthrie, The Early Presocratics and the Pythagoreans - A Synopsis of Greek Philosophy
Reference address : https://ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-Greece/history-of-philosophy/heraclitus.asp?pg=6