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Three Millennia of Greek Literature

Euripides' HERACLEIDAE Complete

Translated by E. Coleridge.

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The Original Greek New Testament
47 pages - You are on Page 45

Eurystheus: Woman, be sure I will not flatter thee nor say aught to
save my life, that can give any occasion for a charge of cowardice.
It was not of my own free will I took this quarrel up; I am aware
that I was born thy cousin, and kinsman to Heracles, thy son; but
whether I would or no, Hera, by her power divine, caused me to be
afflicted thus. Still, when undertook to be his foe, and when I knew
I had to enter on this struggle, I set myself to devise trouble in
plenty, and oft from time to time my midnight communing bore fruit,
scheming how to push aside and slay my foes, and for the future divorce
myself from fear; for I knew that son of thine was no mere cipher,
but a man indeed; yea, for, though he was my foe, I will speak well
of him, because he was a man of worth. Now, after he was taken hence,
was I not forced, by reason of these children's hatred, and because
I was conscious of an hereditary feud, to leave no stone unturned
by slaying, banishing, and plotting against them? So long as I did
so, my safety was assured. Suppose thyself hadst had my lot, wouldst
not thou have set to harassing the lion's angry whelps, instead of
letting them dwell at Argos undisturbed? Thou wilt not persuade us
otherwise. Now therefore, since they did not slay me then, when I
was prepared to die, by the laws of Hellas my death becomes a curse
on him who slays me now. The city wisely let me go, in that she regarded
the gods more than her hatred of me. Thou hast had my answer to thy
words; henceforth must I be called avenging spirit and noble hero
too. 'Tis even thus with me; to die have I no wish, but, if I leave
my life, I shall in no way be grieved.

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