Translated by E. Coleridge.
47 pages - You are on Page 41
Chorus: (singing, strophe 1)
Sweet is the dance to me, whenso the clear-toned flute and lovely
Aphrodite shed grace upon the feast; and a joyful thing too it is,
trow, to witness the good luck of friends, who till then ne'er dreamt
of it. For numerous is the offspring of Fate, that bringeth all to
pass, and of Time, the son of Cronus.
(antistrophe 1)
Thine is the path of justice, O my city; this must no man wrest from
thee, thy reverence for the gods, and, whoso denieth it of thee, draws
nigh to frenzy's goal, with these plain proofs in view. Yea, for the
god proclaims it clearly, by cutting short the bad man's pride in
every case.
(strophe 2)
In heaven, mother, lives thy son, passed from earth away; that he
went down to Hades' halls, his body burnt by the fire's fierce flame,
is past belief; in golden halls reclined he has to wife Hebe, lovely
nymph. Thou, O Hymen, hast honoured them, children both of Zeus.
(antistrophe 2)
Things for the most part form a single chain; for men say Athene
used to champion their father, and now the citizens of that goddess
have saved his children, and checked the insolence of him whose heart
preferred violence to justice. God save me from such arrogance, such
greed of soul! (A Messenger enters. He is followed by guards who
bring in Eurystheus bound.)
Euripides Complete Works
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