O earth, and moon that shines by night, and dazzling radiance of
the god, that giveth light to man, bear the tidings to me, shout aloud
to heaven for joy, and beside our ruler's throne, and in the shrine
of grey-eyed Athene. For my fatherland and home will I soon decide
the issue of the strife with the gleaming sword, because I have taken
suppliants under my protection.
(antistrophe 1)
'Tis a fearful thing, that a city prosperous as Mycenae is, one famed
for martial prowess, should harbour wrath against my land; still,
my countrymen, it were a shameful thing in us to yield up suppliant
strangers at the bidding of Argos. Zeus is on my side, I am not afraid;
Zeus hath a favour unto me, as is my due; never by me shall gods be
thought weaker than mortal men.
(strophe 2)
O dread goddess, thine the soil whereon we stand, thine this city,
for thou art its mother, queen, and saviour; wherefore turn some other
way the impious king, who leadeth a host from Argos with brandished
lance against this land; for, such my worth, I little merit exile
from my home.