Leader: Old man, blame not this city; for though perhaps a gain to
us, yet would it be a foul reproach that we betrayed strangers.
Demophon: A generous scheme is thine, but impossible. 'Tis not in
quest of the yon king comes marching hither; what would Eurystheus
gain by the death of one so old? Nay, 'tis these children's blood
he wants. For there is danger to a foe in the youthful scions of a
noble race, whose memory dwells upon their father's wrongs; all this
Eurystheus must foresee. But if thou hast any scheme besides, that
better suits the time, be ready with it, for, since I heard that oracle,
I am at a loss and full of fear. (Macaria enters from the temple.)
Macaria: Sirs, impute not boldness to me, because I venture forth;
this shall be my first request, for a woman's fairest crown is this,
to practise silence and discretion, and abide at home in peace. But
when I heard thy lamentations, Iolaus, I came forth, albeit I was
not appointed to take the lead in my family. Still in some sense am
I fit to do so, for these my brothers are my chiefest care, and I
fain would ask, as touching myself, whether some new trouble, added
to the former woes, is gnawing at thy heart.