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Can a landscape become a teacher? What is the nature of clarity?
Pericles Giannopoulos, Divine Appearances: the Greek Line & the Greek Color
Page 11
Just one line, peripheral and quite musical. All the other characteristics excepted here, the strongest sense is music. It is the same sense given by the nicely held and beautifully decorated bodies of our cycling dance executed by young, males as well as females, bodies rhythmically waving and singing the passions and sadness of the sexual flirt. Someone watching, thinks that he hears all the time, out of the cycle of the earthy lines, the brotherhood and entire kiss of joy and sadness of the song, produced by the beautiful dance, and this sight is the cause of music in the hearing, just like the distant cry of a furious Venus for wounded Adonis, this is what produces the culmination of the nicest poetic emotion on the Greek soil.
Just as happens with the demand for the Greek Line, which is the very first Idea of an explosion of a Greek Aesthetic, is setting as its basis not any kind of Art, not even our Ancient Art, but the Nature, Ground, the way we see it around us - the same happens with COLOR. And just as for the Line I chose as an observation point the small church of St. Dimitrios down the Acropolis, and the road recently made on the right of it, driving up to Pnyka, for being nearest and most panoramic, the same with Color. And as for the Line, so for the Color, I call your attention to those lines of the Painters, Sculptors, Architects and Musicians, as well as of every lover of art and artistic man.
Cf. Images of Greece * Oscar Wilde, I stood upon the soil of Greece at last! * Jules Verne, Not anyone can see Naxos on the moon! * Mark Twain, Seeing Athens by stealth and moonlight * W. Davis, The Physical Setting of Athens