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Anand Bose, Glyph Agog In 7 Ecclesia Street, Time: 8 AM
On James Joyce
Page 2
At a very personal level, 'Ulysses' becomes a voyage of verisimilitude. I traveled with my 'elf of selves', enjoying myself in doing so. But I wouldn't want to stop at that. I wanted to do something more, to create a character of myself who would resemble my struggles and aspirations. 'The God of Small Things' has to become a thing in itself. It would be a noumenon of realization. Stephen resembles the struggling artist and in him I see the younger self-Joyce himself. I decided to expand myself into Stephen, with uniqueness called -'Stephen.Deed.Lotus. Locust'.
'Deed' opens up a number of significations that are peculiar to culture, as it interacts with the individual. Starting right from the lower level of being the anarchic [id], 'Deed' would be the passion of the 'rose' wanting to break free from calypso's lotus and Poseidon's locusts. 'Meenachal' village swarms with the locusts of tradition, which have originated in Semitic Syrian shores. 'Meenachlan' is Indian with the uncircumcised and filial to being peculiar as Abrahamite. I am not pacified with the honey and milk of Calypso's islands. I am thirsty to travel to Ithaca, free from being sheltered in a lotus. Ultimate of the journey would be the [Kunstler] Stephen.
"Icarus burned his wings by going too near. It's worth the effort to fuse back as plasma glowing with the geode of art." The process of uncovering the poly-gogic of elf-hood would be called as dialectical shamanism.
First Page ||| Next PageReference: James Joyce, A portrait of the artist as a young man
Cf. Goethe on Tragedy (in German) | Aristotle Anthology | Rilke, Letter to a Young Poet | Plato, Whom are we talking to? | Kierkegaard, My work as an author | Emerson, Self-knowledge | Gibson - McRury, Discovering one's face | Emerson, We differ in art, not in wisdom